
Showing posts from December, 2017


What It Is And Why It Is Important Hi welcome to my blog, today we are going to be talking about Net Neutrality, it’s repeal, and what it means for us the consumers. Net Neutrality is the principle that all Internet Service providers must treat all data on the internet the same. That means discrimination through different rates, content, user type, website, etc. is not allowed at all.   Title II of the Communications Act protects us from being preyed on by our Internet Providers and puts an equal playing ground for all. Internet Service Providers through this are barred from taking advantage of their customers and have to be careful with what they do. Stronger protections occurred in 2015 and helped to usher in an era of prosper/growth for everyone online. Upstart businesses can compete fairly with their competition and economic development was now more open. Minor businesses did not have to worry about customer’s access to their items online and if their experience online